2 Kings 17:14-17

Great(i) 14 Notwithstandynge they wolde not heare but rather hardened theyr neckes, lyke to the stubburnesse of their fathers that dyd not beleue in the Lorde their God. 15 For they refused hys statutes, and hys appoyntment that he made with theyr fathers, & the witnesses (wherwith he witnessed vnto them) & they folowed vanyte, and became vayne, and went after the hethen that were rounde aboute them: concernynge whom, the Lorde had charged them, that they shuld not do lyke them. 16 But they left the commaundementes of the Lord theyr God and made them Images of metall euen two calues: and made Idole groues, & worshypped all the Hoste of heauen, and serued Baall. 17 And they sacrifyced theyr sonnes & theyr daughters in fyre, and vsed witchcraft and enchauntementes euen sellynge them selues to worke wyckednesse in the syght of the Lorde, and to angre hym.