36 If they synne agaynst the, as there is no man but he doth synne, and thou be angrye with them, and delyuer them ouer before their enemyes, and they take them and leade them awaye vnto a lande ferre or neare,
37 yet yf they repent in their hert in the lande where they be in captyuite, and turne, and praye vnto the in the lande of their captiuite, sayinge: we haue synned, we haue done euell & wyckedlye,
38 and turne agayne to the, wyth all their herte and all their soule, in the lande of their captyuite, where they kepe them in bondage, and so praye towarde theyr lande which thou gauest vnto their fathers, euen towarde the cytie whych thou hast chosen, and towarde the house which I haue buylt for thy name.
39 Then heare thou from heauen euen from thy dwellinge place, their supplicacion and their prayer, and iudge their cause, and be mercyfull vnto thy people, which haue synned agaynst the.