2 Chronicles 13:5-16

Great(i) 5 Do not you knowe, howe that the Lorde God of Israel gaue the kyngdome, ouer them of Israel, to Dauid for euer, euen to hym and to hys sonnes with a salted couenaunt? 6 And Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat the seruaunt of Salomon the sonne of Dauid is rysen vp, & hath rebelled agaynst his lorde. 7 And ther gathered to hym lewde men the chyldren of Belial, & preuayled agaynst Rehoboam the sonne of Salomon: when Rehoboam was yong & tender hearted, & coulde not stande before them. 8 And nowe ye saye, that ye be able to preuayle agaynst the kyngdome of the Lorde, which is in the hande of the sonnes of Dauid, & ye be a greate multitude, & haue the golden calues which Ieroboam made you for gods. 9 And haue ye not cast out the prestes of the Lorde the sonnes of Aaron, and the leuites, and haue made you prestes after the maner of the nacions of other landes? so that whosoeuer commeth, & consecrateth his hande with a yonge oxe & seuen rammes, the same maye be a preste of them that are no gods. 10 But we belonge vnto the Lord our God whom we haue not forsaken, and the prestes are the sonnes of Aaron, which ministre vnto the Lorde, and the leuites wayte vpon theyr office. 11 They burne vnto the Lorde euery mornynge & euenynge, burnt sacrifyces & swete incense: the shewe breed set they in ordre vpon a pure table: & prepare the candelstick of gold wt the lampes of the same to burne euer at euen. And truly we kepe the watche of the Lorde oure God: but ye haue forsaken him. 12 And behold, God hym selfe is our captayne, & hys prestes blowe wt the trompettes, & crye alarum agaynst you. O ye chyldren of Israel, fyght not agaynst the Lord God of your fathers: for it wyll not prospere with you. 13 But for all that, Ieroboam conuayed men preuely about, to come behynde them: & so they were before Iuda, & the layers in wayte were behynde them. 14 And when they of Iuda loked about, behold the battayll was before & behynde, & they cryed vnto the Lord & the prestes blewe wt the trompetes, 15 & the men of Iuda gaue a showte. And as the men of Iuda showted, it came to passe, that God smote Ieroboam and all Israel before Abia and Iuda. 16 And the children of Israel fled before Iuda, and God delyuered them into theyr hande.