1 Timothy 5:5-10

Great(i) 5 She that is a true wyddowe & frendelesse, putteth her trust in God, & contynueth in supplicacyons and prayers nyght & daye. 6 But she that lyueth in pleasure, is deed, euen yet alyue. 7 And these thynges commaunde that they maye be without rebuke. 8 But yf eny prouide not for her awne (& specially for them of her housholde) the same hath denyed the fayth, and is worsse then an infydell. 9 Let no wyddowe be chosen vnder threscore yere olde, & soch a one as was the wyfe of one man, 10 and well reported of men in good workes: yf she haue brought vp chyldren, yf she haue lodged strangers, yf she haue wesshed the saynctes fete, yf she haue mynistred vnto them whych were in aduersytie, yf she haue bene contynually geuen vnto all maner of good worckes.