1 Timothy 3:6-13

Great(i) 6 He maye not be a yonge scoler, lest he swell and fall into the iudgement of the euyll speaker. 7 He must also haue a good reporte of them whych are without, lest he fall into rebuke, and snare of the euyll speaker. 8 Lyke wyse must the mynisters be honest, not double tonged, not geuen vnto moch wyne, nether gredy of fylthy lucre: 9 but holdynge the mystery of the fayth with a pure conscience. 10 And let them fyrst be proued, and then let them mynister so, that no man be able to reproue them. 11 Euen so must theyr wyues be honest, not euyll speakers: but sober and faythfull in all thynges. 12 Let the Deacons be the husbandes of one wyfe, and such as rule theyr chyldren well, and their awne housholdes. 13 For they that mynister well, get them selues a good degre and greate lybertye in the fayth, whych is in Christ Iesu.