6 nether sought we prayse of men nether of you, nor yet of eny other, when we myght haue bene in auctorite, as the Apostles of Christ,
7 but we were tender amonge you, euen as a norsse cheryssheth her chyldren,
8 so were we affeccyoned towarde you: our good wyll was to haue dealte vnto you, not the Gospell of God onely: but also oure awne soules, because ye were deare vnto vs.
9 Ye remember brethren oure laboure, and trauayle. For we laboured daye & nyght because we wolde not be chargeable vnto eny of you, and preached vnto you the Gospell of God.
10 Ye are witnesses, and so is God how holyly & iustly & vnblameably we behaued oure selues amonge you that beleued,
11 as ye knowe, how that we bare soch affeccyon vnto euery one of you, as a father doth vnto chyldren, exhortynge, confortyng, and besechyng you,