1 Samuel 4:18-20

Great(i) 18 And it fortuned that whan he made mencion of the arcke of God, Eli fell from of hys stole backwarde vpon the thresholde of the gate, and hys necke brake, and he dyed: for he was an olde man and heuye, and iudged Israel fourtye yeares. 19 And his daughter in lawe Phinehes wife was wt childe & nye the byrthe. And when she hearde the tydinges that the arcke of God was taken, & that her father in lawe, & her husbande were deed, she bowed her self, and traueled, for her paynes came vpon her. 20 And about the tyme of her deeth, the wemen that stode aboute her, sayd vnto her: feare not, for thou hast borne a sonne: but she answered not, nor regarded it.