Lamentations 2:15-19

Great(i) 15 All they that go by the, clappe their handes at the: hissynge and wagginge their heades vpon the daughter Ierusalem, and saye: is this the cyte that men call so fayre: wherin the whole lande reioyseth? 16 All thyne enemies gape vpon the: whysperinge and bytinge their teth, saying: let vs deuoure, for the tyme that we loked for, is come: we haue founde and sene it. 17 The Lorde hath fulfylled the thinge, that he was purposed to do: and perfourmed that he had deuised longe a go: he hath destroyed, and not spared. He hath caused thine aduersarye triumphe ouer the, and set vp the horne of thyne enemie. 18 Let thyne herte crye vnto the Lorde, O thou cytie of the daughter Sion: let thy teares runne downne lyke a ryuer daye and nyght, rest not, and let not the aple of thyne eye leaue of. 19 Stande vp and make thy praier in the fyrst watch of the nyght, poure oute thyne hert lyke water before the Lorde. lyft vp thyne handes, for the lyues of thy yonge chyldren, that dye of honger in the stretes.