1 Samuel 2:1-10

Great(i) 1 And Hanna prayed and sayde: myne herte reioyseth in the Lord, and myne horne is exalted in the Lorde. My mouth is wyde open ouer myne enemyes, for I reioyse in thy saluacyon. 2 There is none so holye as the Lord, for without the, is nothing. Nether is there any of strength as is oure God. 3 Talke not to moche proudlye let olde thynges depart out of your mouthes, for the lorde is a God of knowledge, and his purposes come to passe. 4 The bowe with the mightye men are broken: and they that were weake, haue girded them selues wt strength. 5 They that were full, haue hired out them selues for breed, & they that were hongrye, ceasse so to be, tyll the baren hath borne seuen: & she that had many chyldren, is waxed feble. 6 The Lord kylleth, and maketh alyue: bryngeth downe to the graue and fetcheth vp agayne. 7 The Lorde maketh poore, & maketh ryche: bringeth lowe, and heueth vp on hye. 8 He reyseth vp the poore out of the dust, and lyfteth vp the begger from the dong hyll: to sett them amonge princes, and to enherett them with the seate of glorye. For the pillers of the erth are the lordes, and he hath sett the rounde worlde vpon them. 9 He wyll kepe the fete of hys sayntes, and the wycked shall kepe sylence in darcknesse, & in his awne myght shall no man be stronge. 10 The lordes aduersaries shall be destroyed of hym: and out of heauen shall he thunder vpon euery one of them. The lorde shall iudge the endes of the worlde, & shall gyue myght vnto his kynge, and exalte the horne of his anoynted.