15 In the .xxvij. yere of Asa kynge of Iuda, dyd Zimri raygne .vij. dayes in Thirza, and the people was then in the hoost besegynge Gebethon a citie of the Philistines.
16 And the people in the hoost heard one saye: Zimri hath conspired, & slayne the kynge: Wherfore, all they of Israell made Amri (the captayne of the hoost) kyng ouer Israel that same daye, euen in the hoost.
17 And Amri departed vp from Gibbethon, and all Israel with hym, & they beseged Thirza.
18 And when Zimri sawe that the citie must nedes be taken, he went into the palayse of the kynges house, and burnt him selfe and the kynges house wt fyre, and so dyed,