1 Kings 12:29-33

Great(i) 29 And he set the one in bethel, and the other set he in Dan. 30 And this thynge turned to synne. for the people went (because of the one) as farre as Dan. 31 And he made an housse of hillaultares, and made preastes of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sonnes of Leui. 32 And Ieroboam made a feaste the .xv. daye of the eyght moneth, lyke vnto the feaste that is in Iuda, and offered on the aultare. And so did he in Bethel, to offer vnto the calues that he had made. And he put in Bethel the Preastes of the hyllaultares, which he had made. 33 And he offered burnt offeringes vpon the alter, which he had made in Bethel, the .xv. daye of the eyght moneth: euen in the moneth which he had ymagened of hys awne herte: and made a solempne feast vnto the chyldren of Israel, and offred vpon the aultare, and burnt incense.