1 Corinthians 1:17-2:5

Great(i) 17 For Christ sent me not to baptyse, but to preache the Gospell, not wt wysdome of wordes, lest the crosse of Christ shulde haue bene made of none effecte. 18 For the preaching of the crosse, is to them that perisshe, foolishnes: but vnto vs which are saued it is the power of God. 19 For it is wrytten: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse, and wyll cast awaye the vnderstandynge of the prudent. 20 Where is the wyse? Where is the scrybe? Where is the disputer of this worlde? 21 Hath not God made the wysdome of this worlde foolishnes? For after that the worlde thorowe wysdome knewe not God, in the wysdome of God, it pleased God thorowe foolyshnes of preachynge, to saue them that beleue. 22 For the Iewes require a sygne, and the Grekes seke after wysdome. 23 But we preache Christ crucifyed, vnto the Iewes an occasyon of fallynge, and vnto the Grekes foolysihnes: 24 but vnto them whych are called both of the Iewes & Grekes, we preache Christ the power of God and the wysdome of God. 25 For the foolishnes of God, is wyser then men: and the weakenes of God is stronger then men. 26 Brethren, ye se your callynge, how that not many wyse men after the flesshe, not many myghty, not many of hye degre, are called: 27 But God hath chosen the folisshe thynges of the worlde, to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosen the weake thynges, of the worlde, to confounde thynges whych are myghtye. 28 And vyle thynges of the worlde, & thinges which are despised, hath God chosen, yee and thinges of no reputacyon, for to brynge to nought thynges of reputacyon, 29 that no flesshe shulde reioyce in hys presence. 30 And of hym are ye, in Chryst Iesu, whych of God is made vnto vs, wysdome, & rightwesnes, and sanctifyinge, and redempcyon. 31 That accordynge as it is written: he which reioyseth, shulde reioyce in the Lorde. 2 1 And I brethren (when I came to you) came not in gloriousnes of wordes, or of wysdome, shewynge vnto you the testimony of God. 2 Nether shewed I my selfe that I knewe eny thynge amonge you, saue Iesus Christ, euen the same that was crucifyed. 3 And I was among you in weaknes, and in feare, and in moche tremblynge. 4 And my wordes and my preachynge was not wt entysynge wordes of mannes wysdome: but in shewynge of the sprete and of power, 5 that your fayth shuld not stande in the wysdome of men, but in the power of God.