1 Chronicles 9:16-32

Great(i) 16 And Obadia the sonne of Semeia the sonne of Galal, the sonne of Iduthun. And Berechia the sonne of Aza the sonne of Elcana that dwelt in the villages of the Netophathites. 17 The porters were Sallum. Acub, Talmon & Ahiman and their brother, Sallum was the chefe. 18 For they watched hytherto, euen vnto the kynges gate eastwarde, thorowe out the tentes of the chyldren of Leuy. 19 And Sallum the sonne of Corah the sonne of Abiasaph the sonne of Corah, and his brethren the Corahites (of the house of their father) had their busynesse and offyce to kepe the porches of the tabernacle: and their fathers the Hoste of the Lorde, kepte the enterynge. 20 And Phinces the sonne of Eleazar was their foregyde, and the Lorde was with him. 21 And Zacharia the sonne of Meselemia kepte the watche before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. 22 All these were chosen men, to kepe the thresholdes, euen two hundred & twelue, and thorowe out all the genealogy were they numbred in their villages. And them dyd Dauid & Samuel the sear institute, because of their fidelite. 23 So they & their children had the ouersyght of the gates of the house of the Lorde, euen of the tabernacle, to kepe them. 24 In foure quarters dyd they kepe the watche: towarde the east, west, north, & south. 25 And their brethren remayned in the countre and came after seuen dayes from tyme to tyme with them. 26 For the Leuites (which had the ouersyght of the vestryes & treasures of the house of God) were vnder the custody of foure notable porters: 27 & they laye rounde aboute the house of God: because the kepynge therof pertayned to them, and they had the keyes to open euery mornynge. 28 And certen of them had the rule of the mynistringe vessels, & brought them in and out by tale. 29 Some of them were appoynted to ouerse the vesselles, and all the ornamentes of the Sanctuary, and the floure, wine, oyle, frankincense and swete odoures. 30 And certayne of the sonnes of the prestes made oyntmentes of the swete odoures. 31 And Mathathia one of the Leuites which was, the eldest sonne of Sallum: the Corathite, had the ouersyght of the thynges that were made in the fryenge panne. 32 And other of their brethren the sonnes of Cahath had the ouersyght of the shewbred which they prepared euery Sabboth.