1 These are the deuisyons of the sonnes of Aaron: The sonnes of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar & Ithamar.
2 Nadab also and Abihu dyed before theyr father, & had no chyldren. But Eleazar and Ithamar executed the prestes offyce.
3 And Dauid ordered them on this maner: Zadock of the sonnes of Eleazar, & Abimelek of the sonnes of Ithamar were according to theyr offyces in theyr ministracyon.
4 And there were mo auncient men founde amonge the sonnes of Eleazar, then the sonnes of Ithamar. And thus were they ordred together: Amonge the sonnes of Eleazar there were syxtene rulers, accordynge to the housholde of their fathers: & eyght among the sonnes of Ithamar according to the houshold of theyr fathers.
5 And thus were they put in order by lott, the one sorte from the other, & so were there rulers in the Sanctuarye & Lordes before God, as well of the sonnes of Ithamar as of the sonnes of Eleazar.
6 And Simeia the sonne of Nathaneel the Scribe, of the kynred of the Leuites wrote them before the kyng and the Lordes, & before Zadock the preast and Abimeleck the sonne of Abiathar, and before the auncient fathers, before the preastes & the Leuites: one principall houshold beyng reserued for Eleazar and one for Ithamar.