Mark 15:15-20

Goodspeed(i) 15 And as Pilate wanted to satisfy the crowd, he set Barabbas free for them, and after having Jesus flogged handed him over to be crucified. 16 Then the soldiers took him inside the courtyard, that is, of the governor's residence, and they called the whole battalion together. 17 And they dressed him up in a purple cloak, and made a wreath of thorns and crowned him with it, 18 and they began to acclaim him, "Long live the king of the Jews!" 19 And they struck him on the head with a stick and spat at him, and they knelt down and did homage to him. 20 When they had finished making sport of him, they took off the purple cloak and put his own clothes on him. Then they took him out of the city to crucify him.