15 So Pilate willing to content the people, loosed them Barabbas, and deliuered Iesus, when he had scourged him, that he might be crucified.
16 Then the souldiers led him away into the hall, which is the common hall, and called together the whole band,
17 And clad him with purple, and platted a crowne of thornes, and put it about his head,
18 And began to salute him, saying, Haile, King of the Iewes.
19 And they smote him on the head with a reede, and spat vpon him, and bowed the knees, and did him reuerence.
20 And whe they had mocked him, they tooke the purple off him, and put his owne clothes on him, and led him out to crucifie him.