1 Peter 3:2-7

Goodspeed(i) 2 when they see how chaste and submissive you are. 3 You must not adopt the external attractions of arranging the hair and wearing jewelry and dress; 4 yours must be the inner beauty of character, the imperishable attraction of a quiet and gentle spirit, which has great value in the sight of God. 5 It was in that way in ancient times that those pious women who set their hopes on God made themselves attractive. They were submissive to their husbands, 6 like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham, and called him Master. You are true daughters of hers, if you do right and are unafraid. 7 You married men also must be considerate in living with your wives. You must show deference to women as the weaker sex, sharing the gift of life with you, so that there may be nothing to interfere with your prayers.