John 1:43-49

Godbey(i) 43 On the following day he wished to depart into Galilee, and he finds Philip. And Jesus says to him; Follow me. 44 Philip was from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip finds Nathanael and says to him, We have found Him, of whom Moses and the prophets, in the law, did write, Jesus the son of Joseph, who is from Nazareth. 46 Nathanael said to him, Is any good thing able to come out of Nazareth? Philip says to him, Come and see. 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and says concerning him, Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile. 48 Nathanael says to Him, Whence do you know me? Jesus responded and said to him, Before Philip called you, I saw you, being under the fig-tree. 49 Nathanael responded, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel.