John 1:43-49

AUV(i) 43 [Then] on the next day He [i.e., Jesus, but some think it refers to Peter or Andrew] decided to travel into Galilee, [and there] He found Philip. Jesus said to Philip, “Become my follower.” 44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, Andrew’s and Peter’s home town. [Note: This town was on the northwest shore of Lake Galilee, a few miles from Capernaum]. 45 [Then] Philip found Nathaniel [i.e., the same as Bartholomew. See Matt. 10:3] and said to him, “We have found Him, the one Moses wrote about in the law; and the prophets [also wrote about Him]. [He is] Jesus from Nazareth, the [step-] son of Joseph.” 46 Nathaniel replied to him, “Can anything worthwhile come from Nazareth?” [Note: Nazareth had a bad reputation and Jewish writings made no prediction of a prophet coming from that area. See John 7:52]. Philip answered him, “Come and see.” 47 [As] Jesus saw Nathaniel coming toward Him, He said [this] about him, “Look, [there is] a true Israelite, a completely honest man!” 48 Nathaniel asked Jesus, “How did you know me?” Jesus answered him, “I saw you when you were under that fig tree, [even] before Philip called you.” 49 Nathaniel replied to Him, “Rabbi [i.e., Teacher], you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”