2 And a certain man, being lame from his mother's womb was habitually carried, whom they placed daily at the gate of the temple called Beautiful, to ask alms of those entering into the temple;
3 who seeing Peter and John about to come into the temple, asked to receive alms.
4 And Peter along with John, fixing his attention on him, said, Look unto us.
5 And he gave attention to them, expecting to receive something from them.
6 Peter said, Silver and gold do not belong to me; but I give thee that which I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk about.
7 And taking him by the right hand he raised him up; and immediately the bottoms of his feet and his ankle-bones were strengthened.
8 And leaping out, he stood, and continued to walk around, and came into the temple with them, walking around and leaping, and praising God.
9 And all the people saw him walking round and praising God.
10 And they recognized him, that he was the one sitting for alms at Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with astonishment and delight at that which had happened to him.