5 And her father heare her vowe and bonde, wherewith she hath bound her selfe, and her father hold his peace concerning her, then all her vowes shall stande, and euery bonde, wherewith she hath bound her selfe, shall stand.
6 But if her father disallow her the same day that he heareth all her vowes and bondes, wherewith she hath bound her selfe, they shall not bee of value, and the Lord will forgiue her, because her father disallowed her.
7 And if she haue an husband when she voweth or pronounceth ought with her lips, wherewith she bindeth her selfe,
8 If her husband heard it, and holdeth his peace concerning her, the same day he heareth it, then her vowe shall stande, and her bondes wherewith she bindeth her selfe shall stand in effect.