4 and to the inheritance which is not corruptible, and not defiled, and not to be consumed, which is prepared for you in heaven,
5 while you are kept by the power of Aloha and through faith, unto the salvation which is prepared to be revealed in the last times;
6 wherein you will rejoice for ever, though in this little time you are afflicted [Or, straitened.] by manifold temptations which pass over you;
7 that the proof of your faith may be seen, which is more precious than gold refined which is proved in fire, unto praise and unto honour and unto glory, at the revelation of Jeshu Meshiha;
8 whom you have not seen and (yet) love, and in whose faith you exult with glorious joy that is not spoken:
9 that you may receive the recompence of your faith, the salvation of your souls.