Luke 20:27-37

ECB(i) 27
And some of the Sadoqiym come - who contradict that there is any resurrection; and they ask him, 28 wording, Doctor, Mosheh scribed to us, Whenever the brother of anyone dies, having a woman, and he dies childless, his brother takes his woman, and raises sperma to his brother: 29 so there are seven brothers: and the first takes a woman, and dies childless: 30 and the second takes her to woman, and he dies childless: 31 and the third takes her - and in like manner, also the seven: and they leave no children, and die: 32 afterward the woman also dies: 33 so in the resurrection, whose woman becomes she - for seven had her to woman? 34 And Yah Shua answers them, saying, The sons of this eon marry and are married off: 35 but they who are accounted worthy to obtain that eon, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are married off: 36 neither indeed can they even die: for they are equal to the angels - and are the sons of Elohim, being the sons of the resurrection. 37 But that the dead are raised, even Mosheh disclosed at the brier, when he worded Yah Veh is the Elohim of Abraham and the Elohim of Yischaq and the Elohim of Yaaqov. Exodus 3:1- 6