And he also words to his disciples, A rich human has an administrator; who is accused of squandering his holdings: 2 and he voices out to him, and says to him, What hear I concerning you? Give word of your administration; for you are not still my administrator. 3 And the administrator says within himself, What do I? - for my adoni removes the administration from me: I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg: 4 I know what to do: whenever I am removed from the administration, that they receive me into their houses. 5 And he calls each one of the debtors of his adoni to him; and words to the first, How much are you indebted to my adoni? 6 And he says, A hundred baths of olive oil. And he says to him, Receive your scribing, and sit down quickly and scribe fifty. 7 Then he says to another, And how much are you indebted? And he says, A hundred kors of grain. And he words to him, Receive your scribing and scribe eighty. 8 And Adonay halals the unjust administrator because he did thoughtfully: for the sons of this eon in their generation are more thoughtful than the sons of light. 9 And I word to you, Make yourselves friends of the mammon of injustice; so that, whenever you fail, they receive you into eternal tabernacles. 10 Whoever is trustworthy in the least is also trustworthy in much: and whoever is unjust in the least is also unjust in much. 11 So if you are not trustworthy in the unjust mammon, who entrusts you with the true? 12 And if you are not trustworthy in that of another, who gives you that which is your own? 13 No housekeeper can serve two adonim: for either he hates the one and loves the other; or else he upholds the one and disesteems the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon. 14 And the Pharisees who befriend silver also hear all these: and they sneer at him. 15 And he says to them, You justify yourselves in the sight of humanity; but Elohim knows your hearts: for what is high among humanity is abomination in the sight of Elohim. 16
The torah and the prophets were until Yahn: since then, the sovereigndom of Elohim is evangelized, and everyone forces into it: 17 and it is easier for the heavens and earth to pass than one tittle of the torah to fall: 18 whoever releases his woman and marries another adulterizes: and whoever marries her who is released from her man adulterizes. 19
A rich human clothed in purple and white linen rejoices radiantly daily: 20 and a beggar named El Azar is cast at his gate - ulcerous; 21 and panting to be filled with the crumbs which fall from the table of the rich man: but even the dogs come and lick his ulcers. 22 And so be it, the beggar dies, and is borne by the angels to the bosom of Abraham: the rich man also dies and is entombed; 23 and in sheol/hades, being in torments, he lifts his eyes, and sees Abraham afar off and El Azar in his bosom. 24 And he voices out and says, Father Abraham, mercy me, and send El Azar to baptize the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I grieve in this flame. 25 But Abraham says, Child, remember that you in your life took your good; and El Azar likewise evil: and now he consoles and you grieve: 26 and beside all this, between us and you, a mega chasm is established: so that whoever wills neither can pass through from hence to you; nor can they pass through to us from there. 27 And he says, So I ask you, father, to send him to the house of my father: 28 for I have five brothers - to throroughly witness to them lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham words to him, They have Mosheh and the prophets; have them hear them. 30 And he says, Indeed not, father Abraham: but whenever one from the dead goes to them, they repent. 31 And he says to him, If they hear not Mosheh and the prophets, they are not convinced even whenever one rises from the dead.
And he also words to his disciples, A rich human has an administrator; who is accused of squandering his holdings: 2 and he voices out to him, and says to him, What hear I concerning you? Give word of your administration; for you are not still my administrator. 3 And the administrator says within himself, What do I? - for my adoni removes the administration from me: I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg: 4 I know what to do: whenever I am removed from the administration, that they receive me into their houses. 5 And he calls each one of the debtors of his adoni to him; and words to the first, How much are you indebted to my adoni? 6 And he says, A hundred baths of olive oil. And he says to him, Receive your scribing, and sit down quickly and scribe fifty. 7 Then he says to another, And how much are you indebted? And he says, A hundred kors of grain. And he words to him, Receive your scribing and scribe eighty. 8 And Adonay halals the unjust administrator because he did thoughtfully: for the sons of this eon in their generation are more thoughtful than the sons of light. 9 And I word to you, Make yourselves friends of the mammon of injustice; so that, whenever you fail, they receive you into eternal tabernacles. 10 Whoever is trustworthy in the least is also trustworthy in much: and whoever is unjust in the least is also unjust in much. 11 So if you are not trustworthy in the unjust mammon, who entrusts you with the true? 12 And if you are not trustworthy in that of another, who gives you that which is your own? 13 No housekeeper can serve two adonim: for either he hates the one and loves the other; or else he upholds the one and disesteems the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon. 14 And the Pharisees who befriend silver also hear all these: and they sneer at him. 15 And he says to them, You justify yourselves in the sight of humanity; but Elohim knows your hearts: for what is high among humanity is abomination in the sight of Elohim. 16
The torah and the prophets were until Yahn: since then, the sovereigndom of Elohim is evangelized, and everyone forces into it: 17 and it is easier for the heavens and earth to pass than one tittle of the torah to fall: 18 whoever releases his woman and marries another adulterizes: and whoever marries her who is released from her man adulterizes. 19
A rich human clothed in purple and white linen rejoices radiantly daily: 20 and a beggar named El Azar is cast at his gate - ulcerous; 21 and panting to be filled with the crumbs which fall from the table of the rich man: but even the dogs come and lick his ulcers. 22 And so be it, the beggar dies, and is borne by the angels to the bosom of Abraham: the rich man also dies and is entombed; 23 and in sheol/hades, being in torments, he lifts his eyes, and sees Abraham afar off and El Azar in his bosom. 24 And he voices out and says, Father Abraham, mercy me, and send El Azar to baptize the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I grieve in this flame. 25 But Abraham says, Child, remember that you in your life took your good; and El Azar likewise evil: and now he consoles and you grieve: 26 and beside all this, between us and you, a mega chasm is established: so that whoever wills neither can pass through from hence to you; nor can they pass through to us from there. 27 And he says, So I ask you, father, to send him to the house of my father: 28 for I have five brothers - to throroughly witness to them lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham words to him, They have Mosheh and the prophets; have them hear them. 30 And he says, Indeed not, father Abraham: but whenever one from the dead goes to them, they repent. 31 And he says to him, If they hear not Mosheh and the prophets, they are not convinced even whenever one rises from the dead.