Jeremiah 18:3-10

ECB(i) 3 And I descend to the house of the former; and, behold, he works a work on the stones: 4 and the instrument he works of morter ruins - as morter in the hand of the former: so he turns and works another instrument, as seems straight in the eyes of the former to work. 5 And so be the word of Yah Veh to me, saying, 6 O house of Yisra El, cannot I work with you as this former works? - an oracle of Yah Veh. Behold, as the morter in the hand of the former, so are you in my hand, O house of Yisra El. 7 At that blink, when I word concerning a goyim, and concerning a sovereigndom, to uproot - and to pull down - and to destroy 8 - if that goyim, against whom I word, turns from their evil, then I sigh of the evil I fabricate to work to them. 9 And at that blink, when I word concerning a goyim and concerning a kingdom - to build and to plant; 10 If it works evil in my eyes, that it hearkens not to my voice, then I sigh of the good wherewith I said I am well-pleased.