Isaiah 38:14-19

ECB(i) 14 As a horse or a swallow, thus I chirp: I coo as a dove: my eyes languish on high: O Yah Veh, I am oppressed; be my pledge. 15 What word I? He says to me and he works: I walk gently all my years in the bitterness of my soul. 16 Adonay, by these is life, and in all these is the life of my spirit: thus you fatten me and enliven me. 17 Behold, for shalom I was bitterly embittered: and you attached to my soul from the pit of ruin: for you cast all my sins behind your back. 18 For neither sheol spreads hands to you, nor death halals you: they who descend into the well expect not your truth. 19 The living - the living, he spreads hands to you, as I this day: the father makes known your truth to the sons.