6 And the angels return to Yaaqov, saying, We came to your brother Esav and he also comes to meet you with four hundred men.
7 And Yaaqov awes mightily and is depressed: and he halves the people with him and the flocks and oxen and the camels into two camps;
8 and says, If Esav comes to the one camp and smites it, then the other camp which survives escapes.
9 And Yaaqov says, O Elohim of my father Abraham and Elohim of my father Yischaq, Yah Veh who says to me, Return to your land and to your kindred and I well-please you:
10 I am less than the least of all the mercies and of all the truth, you worked to your servant; for with my staff I passed over this Yarden; and now I become two camps:
11 rescue me, I beseech you, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esav: for I awe him, lest he comes and smites me and the mother with the sons.