Genesis 1:26-31

ECB(i) 26 And Elohim says, We work Adam in our image, after our likeness! - to subjugate over the fish of the sea and over the flyers of the heavens and over the animals and over all the earth and over every creeper creeping on the earth. 27 And Elohim creates Adam in his image; he creates him in the image of Elohim; he creates them male and female. 28 And Elohim blesses them and Elohim says unto them, Bear fruit; and abound and fill the earth and subdue: and subjugate over the fish of the sea and over the flyers of the heavens and over every live being creeping on the earth. 29 And Elohim says, Behold, I give you every herb seeding seed on the face of all the earth; and every tree wherein is the fruit of a tree seeding seed; to be food to you 30 and to every live being of the earth and to every flyer of the heavens and to every creeper on the earth wherein there is a living soul - every green herb for food: - and so be it. 31 And Elohim sees all he worked and behold it is mighty good: - and so be it evening becomes and morning becomes day six.