Ezekiel 7:1-12

ECB(i) 1
And so be the word of Yah Veh to me, saying, 2 And you son of humanity, thus says Adonay Yah Veh to the soil of Yisra El; An end - the end arrives on the four wings of the land: 3 now the end is on you; and I send my wrath on you and judge you according to your ways, and give all your abhorrences on you. 4 And neither my eye spares you nor I compassion: and I give your ways on you, for your abhorrences are midst you: and you know I - Yah Veh. 5 Thus says Adonay Yah Veh: An evil, one evil, behold, has arrived; 6 an end has arrived, the end arrives; it wakens for you; behold, it arrives: 7 the corona arrives to you, O you who settle in the land: the time arrives; the day of confusion is near, and not the shouting of the mountains. 8 Now, soon I pour my fury on you, and finish off my wrath on you: and I judge you according to your ways, and give you for all your abhorrences. 9 And neither my eye spares, nor I compassion: I give you according to your ways and your abhorrences midst you; and you know I - Yah Veh who smites. 10 Behold the day; behold, arrives: the corona goes forth; the rod blossoms; arrogance buds: 11 violence rises into a rod of wickedness: neither one of them nor of their multitude nor of any of abundance; nor any lamentation for them. 12 The time arrives; the day touches; neither the chatteler cheers nor the seller mourn: for fuming is on all the multitude.