9 and with hooks they give him in a cage, and bring him to the sovereign of Babel: they bring him into the huntholds so that his voice is heard no more on the mountains of Yisra El.
10 Your mother is as a vine in your blood transplanted by the waters: she bears fruit and branches by reason of many waters:
11 and she has rods of strength for the scions of them who reign; and her height heightens among the foliage, and she is seen in her height with the abundance of her branches:
12 and she is uprooted in fury - cast down to the earth; and the east wind withers her fruit: her rods of strength break and wither; the fire consumes them:
13 and now she is transplanted in the wilderness - in a parched and thirsty earth:
14 and fire comes from a rod of her branches, which consumes her fruit, so that she has no rod of strength to become a scion to reign. This is a lamentation; and becomes for a lamentation.