Exodus 9:3-6

ECB(i) 3 behold, the hand of Yah Veh becomes on your chattel in the field - on the horses, on the he burros, on the camels, on the oxen and on the flocks - a mighty heavy pestilence: 4 and Yah Veh distinguishes between the chattel of Yisra El and between the chattel of Misrayim: and of all that of the sons of Yisra El, no word dies: 5 and Yah Veh sets a season, saying, By the morrow, Yah Veh works this word in the land! 6 - and Yah Veh works that word on the morrow and all the chattel of Misrayim die: but not one of the chattel of the sons of Yisra El dies.