Exodus 34:27-35

ECB(i) 27 And Yah Veh says to Mosheh, Inscribe these words: for after the mouth of these words I cut a covenant with you and with Yisra El. 28 And there he is with Yah Veh - forty days and forty nights; he neither eats bread, nor drinks water. and he inscribes on the slabs the words of the covenant - the ten words. 29
And so be it, when Mosheh descends from mount Sinay with the two slabs of witness in the hand of Mosheh, when he descends from the mount, Mosheh knows not that the skin of his face shines while he words with him: 30 and Aharon and all the sons of Yisra El see Mosheh, and behold, the skin of his face shines and they awe to come near him: 32 And afterward all the sons of Yisra El come nigh: and he misvahs them all Yah Veh worded with him in mount Sinay. 33 And Mosheh finishes wording with them and he gives a veil on his face: 34 and when Mosheh goes in at the face of Yah Veh to word with him, he turns aside his veil, until he comes out. And he comes out and words to the sons of Yisra El what he is misvahed: 35 and the sons of Yisra El see the face of Mosheh, that the skin of the face of Mosheh shines: and Mosheh returns the veil on his face, until he goes in to word with him.