Exodus 32:1-8

ECB(i) 1
And the people see that Mosheh delays descending from the mount: and the people congregate to Aharon and say to him, Rise, work us elohim to go at our face; for as for this Mosheh, the man who ascended us from the land of Misrayim, we know not what became of him. 2 And Aharon says to them, Break off the golden noserings in the ears of your women and your sons and your daughters and bring them to me. 3 And all the people break off the golden noserings in their ears and bring them to Aharon: 4 and he takes them from their hand and with a stylus forms and works a molten calf thereof: and they say, These are your elohim, O Yisra El, who ascended you from the land of Misrayim. 5 And Aharon sees, and builds a sacrifice altar at the face thereof: and Aharon calls and says, Tomorrow is a celebration to Yah Veh. 6 And they start early on the morrow and holocaust holocausts and bring shelamim: and the people sit down to eat and to drink and rise to entertain. 7 And Yah Veh words to Mosheh, Go! Descend! For your people whom you ascended from the land of Misrayim ruin themselves: 8 they suddenly turn aside from the way I misvahed them: they work themselves a molten calf and prostrate to it and sacrifice thereto, and say, These are your elohim, O Yisra El, who ascended you from the land of Misrayim.