THE TORAH ON TITHING In tithing, tithe all the produce of your seed, that the field brings forth year by year: 23 and eat at the face of Yah Veh your Elohim, in the place he chooses to tabernacle his name there - the tithe of the crop of your juice and of your oil, and the firstlings of your oxen and of your flocks; that you learn to awe Yah Veh your Elohim all days.
THE TORAH ON TITHING In tithing, tithe all the produce of your seed, that the field brings forth year by year: 23 and eat at the face of Yah Veh your Elohim, in the place he chooses to tabernacle his name there - the tithe of the crop of your juice and of your oil, and the firstlings of your oxen and of your flocks; that you learn to awe Yah Veh your Elohim all days.