Daniel 5:2-5

ECB(i) 2 Bel Shats Tsar, as he tastes the fermentation, says to bring the golden and silver vessels his father Nebukadnets Tsar removed from the manse in Yeru Shalem; for the sovereign and his nobles, his mistresses and his concubines to drink. 3 Then they bring the golden vessels they removed from the manse of the house of Elah at Yeru Shalem; and the sovereign and his nobles, his mistresses and his concubines drink in them. 4 They drink fermentation; and laud the elahim of gold and of silver, of copper, of iron, of timber and of stone. 5
In the same blink digits of the hand of a man emerge, and inscribe in front of the menorah on the plaster of the wall of the manse of the sovereign: and the sovereign sees the palm of the hand that inscribes: