Daniel 2:9-13

ECB(i) 9 and if you not make known to me the dream - one decree for you: for you prepare false and ruinous utterances to say in front of me, until the change of time: so say to me the dream, so that I know you show me the interpretation. 10 The Kesediym answer in front of the sovereign, and say, There is not a man on the dry who can show the utterance of the sovereign: because no sovereign, great, or dominator, asks utterances as these of any horoscopist or enchanter or Kesediym: 11 and it is an esteemed utterance the sovereign asks; and there is no one other who can show it in front of the sovereign - except the elahim who whirl not with flesh. 12 So the sovereign rages - very enraged; and says to destroy all the magi of Babel: 13 and the decree emerges to sever the magi; and they request to sever Dani El and his companions.