12 Then Shelomoh holocausts holocausts to Yah Veh on the sacrifice altar of Yah Veh which he built at the face of the porch;
13 even after a day by day word; holocausting according to the misvah of Mosheh; on the shabbaths and on the new moons and on the seasons, three times in the year, even in the celebration of matsah and in the celebration of weeks and in the celebration of sukkoth/brush arbors.
14 And according to the judgment of David his father; he stands the allotments of the priests to their service; and the Leviym to their guards; to halal and minister in front of the priests as the day by day word: and the porters by their allotments, portal by portal: for thus is the misvah of David the man of Elohim.