Trustworthy the word! If anyone reaches for the episcopate, he pants after a good work. 2 So an episcopate must be unapprehendable, the man of one woman, sober, soundminded, cosmic, befriend strangers, didactic, 3 no winesop, no striker, not avaricious: but gentle, amicable, unavaricious, 4 one who presides well over his own house having his children in subjection with all veneration. 5 For if one knows not how to preside over his own house, how cares he for the ecclesia of Elohim? 6 Not a neophyte: lest being inflated he falls into the judgment of Diabolos: 7 and he must have a good witness of those outside; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of Diabolos. 8
Likewise ministers: venerant, not doubleworded, not heeding much wine, not avaricious, 9 holding the mystery of the trust in a pure conscience: 10 and also first be proved, and then minister: being unimpeachable. 11 Likewise their women: venerant, not diabolic, sober, trustworthy in all. 12 Ministers: the men of one woman, well-presiding over their children and their own houses. 13 For they who minister well acquire to themselves a good degree and vast boldness in the trust in Messiah Yah Shua.
Trustworthy the word! If anyone reaches for the episcopate, he pants after a good work. 2 So an episcopate must be unapprehendable, the man of one woman, sober, soundminded, cosmic, befriend strangers, didactic, 3 no winesop, no striker, not avaricious: but gentle, amicable, unavaricious, 4 one who presides well over his own house having his children in subjection with all veneration. 5 For if one knows not how to preside over his own house, how cares he for the ecclesia of Elohim? 6 Not a neophyte: lest being inflated he falls into the judgment of Diabolos: 7 and he must have a good witness of those outside; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of Diabolos. 8
Likewise ministers: venerant, not doubleworded, not heeding much wine, not avaricious, 9 holding the mystery of the trust in a pure conscience: 10 and also first be proved, and then minister: being unimpeachable. 11 Likewise their women: venerant, not diabolic, sober, trustworthy in all. 12 Ministers: the men of one woman, well-presiding over their children and their own houses. 13 For they who minister well acquire to themselves a good degree and vast boldness in the trust in Messiah Yah Shua.