John 6:53-66

Diaglott(i) 53 Said them to them the Jesus: Indeed indeed I say to you, if not you may eat the flesh of the son of the man, and you may drink of him the blood, not have life in yourselves. 54 He eating of me the flesh, and drinking of me the blood, has life age-lasting; and I will raise up him in the last day. 55 The for flesh of me truly is food, and the blood of me truly is drink. 56 He eating of me the flesh, and drinking of me the blood, in me abides, and I in him. 57 As sent me the living Father, and I live through the Father; also he eating me, even he shall live through me. 58 This is the bread, that from the heaven having come down; not as ate the fathers of you, and died; he eating this the bread, shall live into the age. 59 These things he said in a synagogue teaching in Capernaum. 60 Many therefore having heard of the disciples of him, said: Hard is this the saying; who is able it to hear? 61 Knowing but the Jesus in himself, that were murmuring about this the disciples of himself, he said to them: This you offends? 62 If then you should see the son of the man ascending, where he was the first? 63 The spirit is that making alive; the flesh not profits nothing. The words, which I speak to you, spirit is and life is. 64 But are of you some, who not believe; knew for from beginning the Jesus, some are who not believing, and who is he about betraying him. 65 And he said: Through this I have said to you that no one is able to come to me, if not may be having been given to him from the Father of me. 66 From this many went the disciples of him into the things behind; and no longer with him were walking.