1 Wo to the abhominable, fylthie and cruel cite:
2 which wil not heare, ner be refourmed. Hir trust is not in the LORDE, nether wil she holde her to hir God.
3 Hir rulers within her are as roaringe lyons: hir iudges are as wolues in the euenynge, which leaue nothinge behynde them till the morow.
4 Hir prophetes are light personnes and vn faithfull men: hir prestes vnhalowe the Sanctuary, and do wronge vnder the pretence of the lawe.
5 But the iust LORDE that doth no vnright, was amonge them, euery mornynge shewinge them his lawe clearly, and ceassed not. But the vngodly will not lerne to be a?shamed.