8 And the foure beestes had eche one off them vj. wynges aboute him, and they were full of eyes with in. And they had no rest daye nether night, sayenge: holy, holy, holy, is the LORDE God almyghty, which was, and is, and is to come.
9 And when those beestes gaue glory and honour and thankes to him that sat on the seate, which lyueth for euer and euer:
10 ye xxiiij. elders fell downe before him that sat on the trone, and worshipped him yt lyueth for euer, and cast their crounes before ye trone, sayenge:
11 thou art worthy LORDE to receaue glory, and honor, and power, for thou hast created all thinges, and for thy willes sake they are, and were created.