15 The marchauntes of these thinges which were wexed ryche by her, shall stonde afarre of for feare of the punysshment of her, wepynge and waylinge,
16 and sayenge: alas alas, that greate cite, that was clothed in sylke, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with golde, and precious stone, and pearles:
17 for at one houre so greate ryches is come to naught. And euery shippe gouerner, and all they that occupie shippes, and shippmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of,
18 and cryed, when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge, and sayde: what cite is like vnto this greate cite?
19 And they cast dust on their heades, and cryed wepynge, and waylinge, and sayde: Alas, Alas the greate cite, wherin were made ryche all that had shippes in the see, by the reason of her wares: for at one houre is she made desolate.