1 And after that I sawe another angel come downe fro heaue, hauinge greate power, and ye earth was lyghtned with his bryghtnes.
2 And he cryed mightely with a stronge voyce, sayenge: She is fallen, she is fallen, euen greate Babilon, and is become the habitacion of deuels, and ye holde of all fowle spretes, and a cage of all vncleane and hatefull byrdes:
3 for all nacios haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her whordome. And the kynges of the earth haue committed fornicacion with her, and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundaunce of her pleasures.
4 And I herde another voyce from heauen saye: come awaye from her my people, that ye be not partakers of her synnes, lest ye receaue of her plages.
5 For her synnes are gone vp to heauen, and the LORDE hath remembred her wyckednes.
6 Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you, and geue her dubble acordinge to her workes. And poure in dubble to her in the same cuppe, which she fylled vnto you.