1 And I herde a greate voyce out of the temple, sayenge to the seuen angels: go youre wayes, poure out youre vialles of wrath vpon the earth.
2 And the fyrst went, and poured out his viall vpon the earth, and there fell a noysom & a sore botch vpon the men which had the marke of the beest, and vpon them that worshipped his ymage.
3 And the seconde angel shed out his viall vpo the see, and it turned as it were in to the bloud of a deed man: and euery lyuinge thinge dyed in the see,
4 And the thyrde angel shed out his vyall vpon the ryuers and fountaynes of waters, and they turned to bloude.
5 And I herde an angel saye: LORDE which art and wast, thou art righteous and holy, because thou hast geue soche iudgmentes,
6 for they shed the bloude of sayntes, and prophetes, and therfore hast thou geuen them bloude to drynke: for they are worthy.
7 And I herde another angell out of the aulter, saye: euen so LORDE God almighty, true and righteous are thy iudgmentes.
8 And the fourth angell poured out his viall on the Sonne, and power was geuen vnto him to vexe men with heate of fyre.
9 And the men raged in gret heate, and spake euell of the name of God, which had power ouer those plages, and they repented not, to geue him glory.
10 And the fifte angell poured out his vyall vpon the seate of the beest, and his kyngdome wexed derke, and they gnewe their tonges for sorowe,
11 and blasphemed the God of heaue for sorowe, and payne of their sores, and repented not of their dedes.
12 And the sixte angell poured out his vyall vpon the gret ryuer Euphrates, and the water dryed vp, that the waye of the kynges of the Easte shulde be prepared.