Psalms 105:6-13

Coverdale(i) 6 O ye sede of Abraham his seruaunt, ye children of Iacob his chosen. 7 He is the LORDE oure God, whose punyshmentes are thorow out all the worlde. 8 He is allwaye myndfull of his couenaunt, and promyse that he made to a thousande generacions. 9 Yee the couenaunt that he made wt Abraham, and the ooth that he swore vnto Isaac. 10 And apoynted the same vnto Iacob for a lawe, and to Israel for an euerlastinge testament. 11 Sayenge: vnto the wil I geue the londe of Canaan, the lott of youre heretage. 12 When there was yet but a fewe of them, and they straungers therin. 13 What tyme as they wente from one nacion to another, from one kyngdome to another.