Numbers 24:17-24

Coverdale(i) 17 I shal se him, but not now: I shal beholde him, but not nie at hade. There shal a starre come out of Iacob, & a cepter shall come vp out of Israel, and shal smyte ye rulers of the Moabites, and ouercome all the children of Seth. 18 Edom shalbe his possession, and Seir shalbe his enemies possessio, but Israel shal do manfully. 19 Out of Iacob shal come he yt hath dominion, and shall destroye the remnaunt of the cities. 20 And wha he sawe ye Amalechites, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Amalec the first amoge the Heithe, but at ye last thou shalt perishe vtterly. 21 And whan he sawe the Kenites, he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Stroge is yi dwellinge, and on a rocke hast thou put thy nest, 22 neuertheles thou shalt be a burninge vnto Kain, tyll Assur take ye presoner. 23 And he toke vp his parable agayne, & sayde: Alas, who shal lyue, wha God doth this? 24 And shippes out of Citim shall subdue Assur and Eber. He himself also shal perishe vtterly.