12 And he sayde: A certayne noble ma wete in to a farre countre, to receaue hi a kyngdome, and then to come agayne.
13 This man called ten of his seruauntes, and delyuered them ten pounde, and sayde vnto them: Occupye, tyll I come agayne.
14 But his citesyns hated him, and sent a message after him, and sayde: We wil not haue this man to raigne ouer vs.
15 And it fortuned whan he came agayne, after that he had receaued the kyngdome, he bade call for the seruauntes, vnto whom he had geue his money, yt he might knowe, what euery one had done.
16 Then came the first and sayde: Syr, thy pounde hath wonne ten pounde.
17 And he sayde vnto him: Well thou good seruaut, for so moch as thou hast bene faithfull in the least, thou shalt haue auctorite ouer ten cities.