Luke 10:30-37

Coverdale(i) 30 Then answered Iesus, and sayde: A certayne man wente downe from Ierusalem vnto Iericho, and fell amonge murthurers, which stryped him out of his clothes, and wounded him, and wente their waye, and left him half deed. 31 And by chauce there came downe a prest the same waye: and whan he sawe him, he passed by. 32 And likewyse a Leuite, wha he came nye vnto the same place and sawe him, he passed by. 33 But a Samaritane was goynge his iourney, and came that waye, and whan he sawe him, he had compassion vpon him, 34 wente vnto him, bounde vp his woundes, and poured oyle and wyne therin, and lifte him vp vpon his beast, and brought him in to the ynne, and made prouysion for him. 35 Vpon the next daye whan he departed, he toke out two pens, and gaue them to the oost, aud sayde vnto him: Take cure of him, and what so euer thou spendest more, I wil paye it the, whan I come agayne. 36 Which of these thre now thinkest thou, was neghboure vnto him, that fell amonge the murtherers? 37 He sayde: He that shewed mercy vpon him Then sayde Iesus vnto him: Go thy waye then, and do thou likewyse.