30 And Iesus aunswered, and sayde. A certaine man descended from Hierusalem to Hierico, and fell among thieues, which robbed hym of his rayment, and wounded hym, and departed, leauyng hym halfe dead
31 And it befell, that there came downe a certayne priest that same way, and whe he sawe hym, he passed by on the other syde
32 And likewise a Leuite, when he went nye to the place, came and loked on him, and passed by the other syde
33 But a certayne Samaritane, as he iourneyed, came vnto hym, and when he saw him, he had compassion on him
34 And went to hym, and bounde vp his woundes, and powred in oyle and wine, and set hym on his owne beast, and brought hym to a [common] Inne, and made prouision for hym
35 And on the morowe when he departed, he toke out two pence, and gaue them to the hoste, and sayde vnto hym, take cure of hym, and whatsoeuer thou spendest more, when I come agayne, I wyll recompence thee
36 Which nowe of these three, thinkest thou, was neyghbour vnto hym that fell among the thieues
37 And he sayde: He that shewed mercy on hym. Then sayde Iesus vnto hym: Go, and do thou lykewyse