Leviticus 8:1-10

Coverdale(i) 1 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 2 Take Aaron and his sonnes wt him, & their vestimentes, & the anoyntinge oyle, and a bullocke for a synofferynge, two rammes, and a maunde with vnleuended bred, 3 and call the whole congregacion together, before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 4 Moses dyd as the LORDE commaunded him, and gathered the congregacion together vnto the dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, 5 and sayde vnto them: This is it, that the LORDE hath commaunded to do. 6 And he toke Aaron and his sonnes, and wasshed them with water, 7 and put the albe vpo him, and girde him with the girdell, and put vpon him the yalowe tunycle, and put the ouerbody cote vpon him, and girde him vpon the ouerbody cote, 8 & put the brestlappe theron, and in ye brestlappe light and perfectnesse: 9 And set the myter vpon his heade. And vpon the myter euen aboue his fore heade, put he a plate of golde on the holy crowne: as ye LORDE comaunded Moses. 10 And Moses toke the anoyntinge oyle, & anoynted the Habitacion, and all that was therin, and consecrated it,